It’s time to have a ball because March Madness is upon us! In case you don’t know, March Madness is the frenzy that grips the nation from the first week of March until the first week of April. This is the time of year that the NCAA tournaments take place to determine which teams are going home and which will become the national champion of college basketball! All of this enthusiasm makes it the perfect time to promote!
PrintGlobe has a colossal selection of customizable sports items and spirit products to kick your sporting events up a notch and help promote your brand in style. Check these out:
Stadium seats and cushions are a fantastic way to get your logo seen on and off the court. These popular promotions will get your imprint seen from the sidelines, sporting events or tailgating parties. Stadium chairs are an excellent way to show your support for your favorite team and a great way to gain repeat exposure. Stadium seats and bleacher cushions from PrintGlobe can be personalized with your favorite mascot, slogan, brand or custom artwork. Create a memorable promotion and personalize your very own stadium cushions and stadium seats.
Amp up your sporting events and show your team spirit with custom printed spirit items. Custom pom poms can be personalized with your imprint and team colors to make it easy to root for your favorite team. Your advertising can’t be missed when you showcase your logo on fun foam hands. Custom foam fingers will stand out in the crowd and are perfect for sports fans of any age. Personalized thunder sticks are perfect for making some noise and are bound to grab attention at any event.
Be the biggest fan you can be with custom sports hand fans from PrintGlobe. Fans are a great way to stay cool while showing your team spirit. They allow you to put your logo into the hands of recipients and make your advertising stand out in a crowd. Whether you prefer misting fans or paper fans, PrintGlobe is here to ensure your promotional success is a slam dunk! Make waves at the big game or any sporting event, with help from!